Return of the Returns

"The independent bookstores that survived the late-twentieth century decimation period did so by adapting to circumstances....We're bibliosailors, reading the breezes and the waves, trimming and unfurling sails, tacking when we have to, and, most importantly, keeping watch for unanticipated wind shifts. We survive, if we survive, by being alert."
--Monster Horror Theater Presents:Return of the Returns, Feb. 28, '05
Blog Roll
"Writing is considered a profession, and I don't think it is a profession. I think that everyone who does not need to be a writer, who thinks he can do something else, ought to do something else. Writing is not a profession but a vocation of unhappiness. I don't think an artist can ever be happy."
PRACTICAL MARKETING [Courtesy Zornhau, 2005]
"They should put the 1st couple of pages up in subway adverts. Having read them several times, you'd feel compelled to try the book - if it was any good."
PLATE OF SHRIMP [Courtesy Alex Cox’s REPO MAN, circa 1984]
"A lot of people don't realize what's really going on. They view life as a bunch of unconnected incidences and things. They don't realize that there's this like lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything. I'll give you an example, show you what I mean. Suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly somebody will say like "plate" or "shrimp" or "plate of shrimp" out of the blue, no explanation. No point in looking for one either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness."
Blog Archive
- Return of the Returns
- Say You Want A Revolution? End the Returns "Subsi...
- BUY THIS BOOK! A Guided Tour of an Approach to Ma...
- The Curse of the Cardigan: Some Thoughts on Editor...
- A Dumb A** Notion
- Publishing 101: Infantilization & You, Plus Some ...
- Simon Says: Don't Say "Too Many Books"
- "Too Many Books": Shots Across the Bow, Vol. IV
- Apocrypha: the Final (or First?) Word on the Craft...
- Bowshots, Pt. 2: Beyond 'A New Yorker's Map of th...
- Across the Bow, Pt.1: RETAIL
- Bowshots, Pt. 3: Costco Redux
- "Publish" as a Verb: Books on the Half-Shell, Par...
- The Half-Life of Shelf-Life
- Stop the presses! Labor unrest threatens blogosphere!
Ah, Bob, again you speak so eloquently for so many of us booksellers! Thank you.
Max, Why independents? Are not the chains notorious for their returns?
Although I'm a bookseller with a small "b" not a capital "B" and therefore not quite as qualified to comment on some of these larger issues, except by observation, a few notes and thoughts: In our store, a hardcover stays on the shelf until either its corresponding paperback has arrived OR it's over a year old. Exceptions are of course made for books still selling in hardcover. We do, however, trim down excessive quantities over the course of the year as needed. I'd say that's more than fair considering the amount of new titles coming in every day (which I realize is another issue entirely) and our limited shelf space.
And Bob is right. We have survived by adapting and we will continue to do so. Bob is also correct about the success of events. I do the events for our store and an unsuccessful event sometimes belies explanation...all we can do is the best we are able with the resources we have (and hope that you all are doing the same).
And Max, how sad that you have never been recommended a book in your local independent bookshop...but have you asked for one? Handselling is an art as you know, and often is best executed by those extroverts on the staff who actively watch for opportunties to assist and recommend; but even our most reticent staff members will suggest titles when asked. Hmm. I would hate to miss this little opportunity... The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh coming out in May from Houghton Mifflin. Delicious. Exotic. Riveting. Thoughtful.
Ava, please don't be so modest, what's the name of your bookstore so everyone can visit and buy The Hungry Tide from the source?
Max, thanks for addressing the issue of returns. Sorry there haven't been more comments on the topic, but it was interesting to get the inside scoop (boy, I'd sure like to be a bug on the wall when one Publisher is having a meeting with another).
Anyway, thanks.
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In the United States, although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does acknowledge that "there has been considerable interest in its use for the treatment of a number of conditions, including glaucoma, AIDS wasting, neuropathic pain, treatment of spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis, and chemotherapy-induced nausea," the agency has not approved "medical marijuana". There are currently 2 oral forms of cannabis (cannabinoids) available by prescription in the United States for nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy: dronabinol (Marinol) and nabilone (Cesamet). Dronabinol is also approved for the treatment of anorexia associated with AIDS. The FDA does facilitate scientific investigations into the medical uses of cannabinoids.
In a collection of writings on medical marijuana by 45 researchers, a literature review on the medicinal uses of Cannabis and cannabinoids concluded that established uses include easing of nausea and vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss; "well-confirmed effect" was found in the treatment of spasticity, painful conditions (i.e. neurogenic pain), movement disorders, asthma, and glaucoma. Reported but "less-confirmed" effects included treatment of allergies, inflammation, infection, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorder, dependency and withdrawal. Basic level research was being carried out at the time on autoimmune disease, cancer, neuroprotection, fever, disorders of blood pressure.
Glaucoma, a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball causing gradual loss of sight, can be treated with medical marijuana to decrease this intraocular pressure. There has been debate for 25 years on the subject. Some studies have shown a reduction of IOP in glaucoma patients who smoke cannabis, but the effects are generally short-lived. There exists some concern over its use since it can also decrease blood flow to the optic nerve. Marijuana lowers IOP by acting on a cannabinoid receptor on the ciliary body called the CB receptor. Although Cannabis may not be the best therapeutic choice for glaucoma patients, it may lead researchers to more effective treatments. A promising study shows that agents targeted to ocular CB receptors can reduce IOP in glaucoma patients who have failed other therapies.
Medical cannabis is also used for analgesia, or pain relief. It is also reported to be beneficial for treating certain neurological illnesses such as epilepsy, and bipolar disorder. Case reports have found that Cannabis can relieve tics in people with obsessive compulsive disorder and Tourette syndrome. Patients treated with tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive chemical found in Cannabis, reported a significant decrease in both motor and vocal tics, some of 50% or more. Some decrease in obsessive-compulsive behavior was also found. A recent study has also concluded that cannabinoids found in Cannabis might have the ability to prevent Alzheimer's disease. THC has been shown to reduce arterial blockages
Another potential use for medical cannabis is movement disorders. Cannabis is frequently reported to reduce the muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis; this has been acknowledged by the Institute of Medicine, but it noted that these abundant anecdotal reports are not well-supported by clinical data. Evidence from animal studies suggests that there is a possible role for cannabinoids in the treatment of certain types of epileptic seizures.A synthetic version of the major active compound in Cannabis, THC, is available in capsule form as the prescription drug dronabinol (Marinol) in many countries. The prescription drug Sativex, an extract of cannabis administered as a sublingual spray, has been approved in Canada for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
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